The SRI signature one-step locking cap changes the screw from polyaxial to monoaxial while still allowing the rod to freely translate. With patented wings wedged between saddle and tulip wall, the cap creates a wedge-like effect.
All screws accommodate the same rod sizes (5.5mm, 4.75mm, 5.0mm, and 6.0mm, FDA-cleared), as well as FDA-cleared, patented Bezier Parametric Transition Rods (4.75mm to 5.0mm to 5.5mm to 6.0mm).
Hand-tight adjustment of cap allows for unique coronal & segmental de-rotation resulting in screw stabilization while still permitting rod adjustment
Final torque setting collapses cap to create lock force on rod and screw
Spring cap system accommodates 4.75, 5.0, 5.5, and 6.0mm rods; wing cap is interchangeable among all rod sizes
Self-orienting spring cap during rod installation
Cap’s square threads resist cross-threading and are easily started
Cap torque of 80, 90, and 100 in/lbs
T25 Torx socket